
GitLab CI / CD具有一组默认的预定义变量 ,您可以使用它们而无需任何其他说明。您可以呼叫问题编号,用户名,分支名称,管道和提交ID等。






  stage: test
    - echo $CI_JOB_STAGE


变量 gitlab runner 描述
CHAT_CHANNEL 10.6 所有 触发ChatOps命令的 源聊天通道
CHAT_INPUT 10.6 所有 ChatOps命令中 传递的其他参数
CI 所有 0.4 标记作业在CI环境中执行
CI_API_V4_URL 11.7 所有 GitLab API v4根URL
CI_BUILDS_DIR 所有 11.10 执行构建的顶级目录。
CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA 11.2 所有 先前的最新提交存在于分支中。始终0000000000000000000000000000000000000000处于合并请求的管道中。
CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION 10.8 所有 提交的描述:如果标题少于100个字符,则不带第一行的消息;在其他情况下为完整消息。
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE 10.8 所有 完整的提交消息。
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME 9.0 所有 构建项目的分支或标记名称
CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED 11.11 所有 true如果作业在受保护的引用上运行,false则不是
CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG 9.0 所有 $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME小写,缩短为63个字节,并与一切除了0-9a-z与更换-。没有前导/尾随-。在URL,主机名和域名中使用。
CI_COMMIT_SHA 9.0 所有 为其构建项目的提交修订
CI_COMMIT_BRANCH 12.6 0.5 提交分支名称。仅在建立分支时显示。
CI_COMMIT_TAG 9.0 0.5 提交标记名称。仅在构建标签时显示。
CI_COMMIT_TITLE 10.8 所有 提交的标题-消息的第一行
CI_CONCURRENT_ID 所有 11.10 单个执行程序中生成执行的唯一ID。
CI_CONCURRENT_PROJECT_ID 所有 11.10 单个执行程序和项目中的构建执行的唯一ID。
CI_CONFIG_PATH 9.4 0.5 CI配置文件的路径。默认为.gitlab-ci.yml
CI_DEBUG_TRACE 所有 1.7 是否启用 调试日志记录(跟踪)
CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH 12.4 所有 项目的默认分支的名称。
CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD 10.8 所有 GitLab Deploy令牌的身份验证密码,仅在项目具有相关性时才提供。
CI_DEPLOY_USER 10.8 所有 GitLab Deploy令牌的身份验证用户名,仅在项目具有相关性时才存在。
CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT 所有 10.1 标记该作业是在一次性环境中执行的(仅为该作业创建并在执行后处置/销毁的事物- shell和之外的所有执行者ssh)。如果环境是一次性的,则将其设置为true,否则将完全未定义。
CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME 8.15 所有 该作业的环境名称。仅在environment:name设置时存在。
CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG 8.15 所有 环境名称的简化版本,适合包含在DNS,URL,Kubernetes标签等中。仅在environment:name设置时存在。
CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL 9.3 所有 该作业的环境的URL。仅在environment:url设置时存在。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_IID 12.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则来自GitHub的请求请求ID 。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REPOSITORY 13.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求的源存储库名称。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_REPOSITORY 13.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求的目标存储库名称。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME 12.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求的源分支名称。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA 12.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求的源分支的HEAD SHA 。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME 12.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求的目标分支名称。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA 12.3 所有 如果管道用于外部请求,则请求请求目标分支的HEAD SHA 。仅当使用only: [external_pull_requests]rules语法且拉取请求处于打开状态时可用。
CI_HAS_OPEN_REQUIREMENTS 13.1 所有 true仅当管道的项目有任何开放需求时才包含在值中。如果管道项目没有开放要求,则不包括在内。
CI_JOB_ID 9.0 所有 GitLab CI / CD在内部使用的当前作业的唯一ID
CI_JOB_IMAGE 12.9 12.9 运行CI作业的图像的名称
CI_JOB_MANUAL 8.12 所有 指示作业已手动启动的标志
CI_JOB_NAME 9.0 0.5 在中定义的作业名称 .gitlab-ci.yml
CI_JOB_STAGE 9.0 0.5 在中定义的阶段名称 .gitlab-ci.yml
CI_JOB_TOKEN 9.0 1.2 用于通过GitLab容器注册表进行身份验证,下载从属存储库以及访问GitLab管理的Terraform状态的令牌。
CI_JOB_JWT 12.10 所有 RS256 JSON Web令牌,可用于与支持JWT身份验证的第三方系统进行身份验证,例如HashiCorp的Vault
CI_JOB_URL 11.1 0.5 职位详情网址
CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE 13.0 所有 true仅当管道具有可用于部署的Kubernetes集群时,才包含在值中。如果没有群集,则不包括在内。可作为替代only:kubernetes/except:kubernetesrules:if
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则该合并请求的受让人的用户名列表用逗号分隔。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID 11.6 所有 合并请求的项目级别ID。仅当管道用于合并请求并且创建合并请求时才可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID 11.6 所有 合并请求的实例级IID。仅当管道用于合并请求并且创建合并请求时才可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的逗号分隔标签名称。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_MILESTONE 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的里程碑标题。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的项目的ID 。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求(例如namespace/awesome-project),则合并请求的项目路径。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求(例如http://,则合并请求项目的URL 。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的ref路径。(例如refs/merge-requests/1/head)。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的源分支名称。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的源分支的HEAD SHA 。仅在使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法,创建合并请求且管道为合并结果管道时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_ID 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的源项目的ID 。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的源项目的路径。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的源项目的URL 。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME 11.6 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的目标分支名称。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的目标分支的HEAD SHA 。仅在使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法,创建合并请求且管道为合并结果管道时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE 11.9 所有 如果管道用于合并请求,则合并请求的标题。仅当使用only: [merge_requests]rules语法并且创建合并请求时可用。
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE 12.3 所有 合并请求的事件类型(如果管道用于合并请求)。可能是detachedmerged_resultmerge_train
CI_NODE_INDEX 11.5 所有 作业在作业集中的索引。如果作业未并行化,则不会设置此变量。
CI_NODE_TOTAL 11.5 所有 并行运行的此作业的实例总数。如果作业未并行化,则此变量设置为1
CI_PAGES_DOMAIN 11.8 所有 托管GitLab页面的已配置域。
CI_PAGES_URL 11.8 所有 GitLab页面构建页面的URL。始终属于的子域CI_PAGES_DOMAIN
CI_PIPELINE_ID 8.10 所有 GitLab CI / CD在内部使用的当前管道的唯一ID
CI_PIPELINE_IID 11.0 所有 当前管道的唯一ID范围为项目
CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE 10.0 所有 指示如何触发管道。可能的选项有:pushwebscheduleapiexternalchatwebidemerge_request_eventexternal_pull_request_eventparent_pipelinetrigger,或pipeline(更名为cross_project_pipeline自13.0)。对于在GitLab 9.5之前创建的管道,它将显示为unknown
CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED 所有 所有 指示已触发作业的标志
CI_PIPELINE_URL 11.1 0.5 管道详细资料网址
CI_PROJECT_DIR 所有 所有 克隆存储库以及运行作业的完整路径。如果设置了GitLab Runner builds_dir参数,则相对于的值设置此变量builds_dir。有关更多信息,请参见GitLab Runner的高级配置
CI_PROJECT_ID 所有 所有 GitLab CI / CD在内部使用的当前项目的唯一ID
CI_PROJECT_NAME 8.10 0.5 当前正在构建的项目的目录名称。例如,如果项目的URL是,该CI_PROJECT_NAMEproject-1
CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE 8.10 0.5 当前正在构建的项目名称空间(用户名或组名)
CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE 13.2 0.5 当前正在构建的项目名称空间(用户名或组名)。例如,如果CI_PROJECT_NAMEroot-group/child-group/grandchild-groupCI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACEroot-group
CI_PROJECT_PATH 8.10 0.5 具有项目名称的名称空间
CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG 9.3 所有 $CI_PROJECT_PATH小写并与除一切0-9,并a-z代之以-。在URL和域名中使用。
CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES 12.3 所有 信息库中使用的语言的逗号分隔小写列表(例如ruby,javascript,html,css
CI_PROJECT_TITLE 12.4 所有 可读的项目名称,显示在GitLab Web界面中。
CI_PROJECT_URL 8.10 0.5 访问项目的HTTP(S)地址
CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY 10.3 所有 项目可见性(内部,私人,公共)
CI_REGISTRY 8.10 0.5 如果启用了Container Registry,它将返回GitLab的Container Registry的地址。:port如果在注册表配置中指定了一个变量,则该变量将包含一个值。
CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE 8.10 0.5 如果为项目启用了容器注册表,则它将返回绑定到特定项目的注册表地址
CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD 9.0 所有 用于将容器推送到当前项目的GitLab容器注册表的密码。
CI_REGISTRY_USER 9.0 所有 用于将容器推送到当前项目的GitLab容器注册表的用户名。
CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION 8.10 0.5 保存在GitLab中的跑步者的描述
CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH 所有 10.6 GitLab Runner可执行文件的操作系统/体系结构(请注意,它不一定与执行程序的环境相同)
CI_RUNNER_ID 8.10 0.5 正在使用的跑步者的唯一ID
CI_RUNNER_REVISION 所有 10.6 正在执行当前作业的GitLab Runner版本
CI_RUNNER_SHORT_TOKEN 所有 12.3 GitLab Runner令牌的前八个字符用于验证新的作业请求。用作跑步者的唯一ID
CI_RUNNER_TAGS 8.10 0.5 定义的运行器标签
CI_RUNNER_VERSION 所有 10.6 正在执行当前作业的GitLab Runner版本
CI_SERVER 所有 所有 标记作业在CI环境中执行
CI_SERVER_URL 12.7 所有 GitLab实例的基本URL,包括协议和端口(如
CI_SERVER_HOST 12.1 所有 GitLab实例URL的主机组件,不带协议和端口(如
CI_SERVER_PORT 12.8 所有 GitLab实例URL的端口组件,不包含主机和协议(例如3000
CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL 12.8 所有 GitLab实例URL的协议组件,不带主机和端口(例如https
CI_SERVER_NAME 所有 所有 用于协调作业的CI服务器的名称
CI_SERVER_REVISION 所有 所有 用于计划作业的GitLab修订版
CI_SERVER_VERSION 所有 所有 用于计划作业的GitLab版本
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR 11.4 所有 GitLab版本主要组件
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR 11.4 所有 GitLab版本次要组件
CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH 11.4 所有 GitLab版本补丁组件
CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT 所有 10.1 标记作业是在共享环境中执行的(在CI调用(例如executor shellsshexecutor)中持续存在的内容)。如果共享环境,则将其设置为true,否则将完全未定义。
GITLAB_CI 所有 所有 标记作业在GitLab CI / CD环境中执行
GITLAB_FEATURES 10.6 所有 以逗号分隔的实例和计划可用的许可功能列表
GITLAB_USER_EMAIL 8.12 所有 开始工作的用户的电子邮件
GITLAB_USER_ID 8.12 所有 开始工作的用户的ID
GITLAB_USER_LOGIN 10.0 所有 开始工作的用户的登录用户名
GITLAB_USER_NAME 10.0 所有 开始工作的用户的真实姓名


Variable GitLab Runner Description
CHAT_CHANNEL 10.6 all Source chat channel which triggered the ChatOps command
CHAT_INPUT 10.6 all Additional arguments passed in the ChatOps command
CI all 0.4 Mark that job is executed in CI environment
CI_API_V4_URL 11.7 all The GitLab API v4 root URL
CI_BUILDS_DIR all 11.10 Top-level directory where builds are executed.
CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA 11.2 all The previous latest commit present on a branch. Is always 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in pipelines for merge requests.
CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION 10.8 all The description of the commit: the message without first line, if the title is shorter than 100 characters; full message in other case.
CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE 10.8 all The full commit message.
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME 9.0 all The branch or tag name for which project is built
CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED 11.11 all true if the job is running on a protected reference, false if not
CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG 9.0 all $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with -. No leading / trailing -. Use in URLs, host names and domain names.
CI_COMMIT_SHA 9.0 all The commit revision for which project is built
CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA 11.7 all The first eight characters of CI_COMMIT_SHA
CI_COMMIT_BRANCH 12.6 0.5 The commit branch name. Present only when building branches.
CI_COMMIT_TAG 9.0 0.5 The commit tag name. Present only when building tags.
CI_COMMIT_TITLE 10.8 all The title of the commit - the full first line of the message
CI_CONCURRENT_ID all 11.10 Unique ID of build execution within a single executor.
CI_CONCURRENT_PROJECT_ID all 11.10 Unique ID of build execution within a single executor and project.
CI_CONFIG_PATH 9.4 0.5 The path to CI configuration file. Defaults to .gitlab-ci.yml
CI_DEBUG_TRACE all 1.7 Whether debug logging (tracing) is enabled
CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH 12.4 all The name of the default branch for the project.
CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD 10.8 all Authentication password of the GitLab Deploy Token, only present if the Project has one related.
CI_DEPLOY_USER 10.8 all Authentication username of the GitLab Deploy Token, only present if the Project has one related.
CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT all 10.1 Marks that the job is executed in a disposable environment (something that is created only for this job and disposed of/destroyed after the execution - all executors except shell and ssh). If the environment is disposable, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME 8.15 all The name of the environment for this job. Only present if environment:name is set.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG 8.15 all A simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, etc. Only present if environment:name is set.
CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL 9.3 all The URL of the environment for this job. Only present if environment:url is set.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_IID 12.3 all Pull Request ID from GitHub if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REPOSITORY 13.3 all The source repository name of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_REPOSITORY 13.3 all The target repository name of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME 12.3 all The source branch name of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA 12.3 all The HEAD SHA of the source branch of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME 12.3 all The target branch name of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA 12.3 all The HEAD SHA of the target branch of the pull request if the pipelines are for external pull requests. Available only if only: [external_pull_requests] or rules syntax is used and the pull request is open.
CI_HAS_OPEN_REQUIREMENTS 13.1 all Included with the value true only if the pipeline’s project has any open requirements. Not included if there are no open requirements for the pipeline’s project.
CI_JOB_ID 9.0 all The unique ID of the current job that GitLab CI/CD uses internally
CI_JOB_IMAGE 12.9 12.9 The name of the image running the CI job
CI_JOB_MANUAL 8.12 all The flag to indicate that job was manually started
CI_JOB_NAME 9.0 0.5 The name of the job as defined in .gitlab-ci.yml
CI_JOB_STAGE 9.0 0.5 The name of the stage as defined in .gitlab-ci.yml
CI_JOB_TOKEN 9.0 1.2 Token used for authenticating with the GitLab Container Registry, downloading dependent repositories, and accessing GitLab-managed Terraform state.
CI_JOB_JWT 12.10 all RS256 JSON web token that can be used for authenticating with third party systems that support JWT authentication, for example HashiCorp’s Vault.
CI_JOB_URL 11.1 0.5 Job details URL
CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE 13.0 all Included with the value true only if the pipeline has a Kubernetes cluster available for deployments. Not included if no cluster is available. Can be used as an alternative to only:kubernetes/except:kubernetes with rules:if
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ASSIGNEES 11.9 all Comma-separated list of username(s) of assignee(s) for the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID 11.6 all The project-level ID of the merge request. Only available if the pipelines are for merge requests and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID 11.6 all The instance-level IID of the merge request. Only available If the pipelines are for merge requests and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS 11.9 all Comma-separated label names of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_MILESTONE 11.9 all The milestone title of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID 11.6 all The ID of the project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH 11.6 all The path of the project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests (e.g. namespace/awesome-project). Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL 11.6 all The URL of the project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests (e.g. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH 11.6 all The ref path of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. (e.g. refs/merge-requests/1/head). Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME 11.6 all The source branch name of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA 11.9 all The HEAD SHA of the source branch of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used, the merge request is created, and the pipeline is a merged result pipeline.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_ID 11.6 all The ID of the source project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH 11.6 all The path of the source project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL 11.6 all The URL of the source project of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME 11.6 all The target branch name of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_SHA 11.9 all The HEAD SHA of the target branch of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used, the merge request is created, and the pipeline is a merged result pipeline.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TITLE 11.9 all The title of the merge request if the pipelines are for merge requests. Available only if only: [merge_requests] or rules syntax is used and the merge request is created.
CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE 12.3 all The event type of the merge request, if the pipelines are for merge requests. Can be detached, merged_result or merge_train.
CI_NODE_INDEX 11.5 all Index of the job in the job set. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is not set.
CI_NODE_TOTAL 11.5 all Total number of instances of this job running in parallel. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is set to 1.
CI_PAGES_DOMAIN 11.8 all The configured domain that hosts GitLab Pages.
CI_PAGES_URL 11.8 all URL to GitLab Pages-built pages. Always belongs to a subdomain of CI_PAGES_DOMAIN.
CI_PIPELINE_ID 8.10 all The unique ID of the current pipeline that GitLab CI/CD uses internally
CI_PIPELINE_IID 11.0 all The unique ID of the current pipeline scoped to project
CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE 10.0 all Indicates how the pipeline was triggered. Possible options are: push, web, schedule, api, external, chat, webide, merge_request_event, external_pull_request_event, parent_pipeline, trigger, or pipeline (renamed to cross_project_pipeline since 13.0). For pipelines created before GitLab 9.5, this will show as unknown.
CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED all all The flag to indicate that job was triggered
CI_PIPELINE_URL 11.1 0.5 Pipeline details URL
CI_PROJECT_DIR all all The full path where the repository is cloned and where the job is run. If the GitLab Runner builds_dir parameter is set, this variable is set relative to the value of builds_dir. For more information, see Advanced configuration for GitLab Runner.
CI_PROJECT_ID all all The unique ID of the current project that GitLab CI/CD uses internally
CI_PROJECT_NAME 8.10 0.5 The name of the directory for the project that is currently being built. For example, if the project URL is, the CI_PROJECT_NAME would be project-1.
CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE 8.10 0.5 The project namespace (username or group name) that is currently being built
CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE 13.2 0.5 The root project namespace (username or group name) that is currently being built. For example, if CI_PROJECT_NAME is root-group/child-group/grandchild-group, CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE would be root-group.
CI_PROJECT_PATH 8.10 0.5 The namespace with project name
CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG 9.3 all $CI_PROJECT_PATH lowercased and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with -. Use in URLs and domain names.
CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES 12.3 all Comma-separated, lowercased list of the languages used in the repository (e.g. ruby,javascript,html,css)
CI_PROJECT_TITLE 12.4 all The human-readable project name as displayed in the GitLab web interface.
CI_PROJECT_URL 8.10 0.5 The HTTP(S) address to access project
CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY 10.3 all The project visibility (internal, private, public)
CI_REGISTRY 8.10 0.5 If the Container Registry is enabled it returns the address of GitLab’s Container Registry. This variable will include a :port value if one has been specified in the registry configuration.
CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE 8.10 0.5 If the Container Registry is enabled for the project it returns the address of the registry tied to the specific project
CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD 9.0 all The password to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry, for the current project.
CI_REGISTRY_USER 9.0 all The username to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry, for the current project.
CI_REPOSITORY_URL 9.0 all The URL to clone the Git repository
CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION 8.10 0.5 The description of the runner as saved in GitLab
CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH all 10.6 The OS/architecture of the GitLab Runner executable (note that this is not necessarily the same as the environment of the executor)
CI_RUNNER_ID 8.10 0.5 The unique ID of runner being used
CI_RUNNER_REVISION all 10.6 GitLab Runner revision that is executing the current job
CI_RUNNER_SHORT_TOKEN all 12.3 First eight characters of GitLab Runner’s token used to authenticate new job requests. Used as Runner’s unique ID
CI_RUNNER_TAGS 8.10 0.5 The defined runner tags
CI_RUNNER_VERSION all 10.6 GitLab Runner version that is executing the current job
CI_SERVER all all Mark that job is executed in CI environment
CI_SERVER_URL 12.7 all The base URL of the GitLab instance, including protocol and port (like
CI_SERVER_HOST 12.1 all Host component of the GitLab instance URL, without protocol and port (like
CI_SERVER_PORT 12.8 all Port component of the GitLab instance URL, without host and protocol (like 3000)
CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL 12.8 all Protocol component of the GitLab instance URL, without host and port (like https)
CI_SERVER_NAME all all The name of CI server that is used to coordinate jobs
CI_SERVER_REVISION all all GitLab revision that is used to schedule jobs
CI_SERVER_VERSION all all GitLab version that is used to schedule jobs
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR 11.4 all GitLab version major component
CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR 11.4 all GitLab version minor component
CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH 11.4 all GitLab version patch component
CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT all 10.1 Marks that the job is executed in a shared environment (something that is persisted across CI invocations like shell or ssh executor). If the environment is shared, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all.
GITLAB_CI all all Mark that job is executed in GitLab CI/CD environment
GITLAB_FEATURES 10.6 all The comma separated list of licensed features available for your instance and plan
GITLAB_USER_EMAIL 8.12 all The email of the user who started the job
GITLAB_USER_ID 8.12 all The ID of the user who started the job
GITLAB_USER_LOGIN 10.0 all The login username of the user who started the job
GITLAB_USER_NAME 10.0 all The real name of the user who started the job

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